Heat Stress Prevention

The safety of all team members, at work and at home, is a core value for Aldridge. Many of our jobs require working in extreme conditions or potentially dangerous scenarios. Through our safety best-practices, we minimize the risk of exposure to potential hazards and equip our team with the training and resources they need to stay safe.

Prolonged exposure to extreme heat environments can be unsafe. Certain jobs require working in outdoor temperatures between 100-120 degrees. Aldridge has invested in cooling trailers, each has fans connected to a generator and a water tank, which helps blow cool air, making the cooling trailer roughly 15-20 degrees cooler than the temperature outside. The trailer helps employees cool down, but doesn’t expose them to the extreme difference between exterior temperature and the air-conditioned temperature inside a vehicle. 

Preventing heat stress is the responsibility of both supervisors and employees. On job sites when cooling trailers are not available, supervisors have the responsibility of following the Heat Stress Prevention Program which includes training all employees on how to recognize hazards, implementing controls for employees to work safely in high heat environments, and ensuring medical care is available for employees showing any signs or symptoms of heat stress.

Aldridge is committed to nobody getting hurt. The addition of these trailers helps support that mission.