Maine Power Reliability Program

The Maine Power Reliability Program (MPRP) is the largest construction project ever undertaken in Maine. Aldridge's drilling division was subcontracted to perform work within all three sections of the project.

The largest portion of Aldridge's involvement in the project was located in the North Loop, where 600 direct embed foundations and 150 concrete foundations were drilled. Aldridge also drilled and installed 130 concrete foundations in the Central Loop, and 100 in the South Loop.

Approximately 50% of all work was foundation installation in wetlands. No equipment was staged and no fueling was able to take place within 100 feet of the wetlands. Aldridge also dealt with various drilling conditions including rock, boulders, organic material, and water. These issues were mitigated by pre-project planning and communication among the team members to recognize issues ahead of the work schedule.